Thursday, 13 October 2011

Week Two: Fancy Answering My Questions? Comment Below...

This week will be used as my research week. Above, you can see my Voki, and feel free to answer its questions. I also have a lot of time this week dedicated to catching up with some old friends who have moved on to college, and I will ask them about their favourite thriller films and what they like about them. Not only will I ask my friends and family, I'm also going to research the "best thriller films" to see what has been voted and why they have been.
I want to know what everybody expects from a good thriller before I create my own.

1 comment:

  1. Abi,
    A good idea but I think this would work better as a seperate post. You could embed this voki in Facebook and ask students to respond with a bit more context attatched to it - it's a bit overshadowed pinned to the end of this post. Remember, 3-4 posts a week means we can do one single Voki with one purpose.
