Or, at least, we're not in Year Ten any more. Our GCSE's are out of the way, and now it's time to, in the words of dear old Olivia Newton John, "get physical". For the first time, we're creating a physical product, but that doesn't mean we're not going to have to plan everything we do!
The main difference, however, is the use of humans. (Hmm..)
I remember clearly the process of creating my "Thriller film" in Year Ten, or rather I designed a poster, created a synopsis, and drew a storyboard for the opening of the film and that. was. it. I remember how long it took me to decide on which actors I should use for each role; I thought so carefully and it didn't matter, so long as I could justify my choices, because I knew we wouldn't make the opening anyway.
Now, however, I am going to have to do all of those things (Do I make a poster?) but I'm going to have to find people to be in my film.

This was the first draft of my Year Ten poster...
I suppose it's probably about time I decided on the synopsis, and the general idea of my film, because once I have a taste of the characters I need, I can choose the best actors for the roles.
I'm slightly terrified, to say the least...
May the film... commence.
The bar has been set.