Thursday, 13 October 2011

Independence Day

It may be clear already, but I have decided to work alone on this piece of coursework. I made the decision purely based on the fact that I am, to put it (not-so) lightly, a pushover. I know that I would be unhappy with my final result if I worked with somebody else, because I do let other people get their way and I would let them do whatever they wanted even if I thought that their idea could be improved upon. Fortunately for me, I have a number of good friends studying Media in Year 13 at my school who have already done this coursework and a friend who is in her second year of studying Media at Chichester University, and  I will be able to ask all of them for help, if needed.
Already, I am pretty certain of how I will start my opening, but it's the rest of the opening I'm worried about. I have ideas but I want them to stand out. I want my film to be original, to have never been done before, and I'm not certain, as of now, that my ideas are original and have "never been done before".

I am 99.9% sure of where I'm certain of where I am going to film my opening, so in the next few days, I'm going to go there and take some photos. I'll take a friend along with me and take my camcorder to take some practise shots and see if it has the effect I wanted. If not, there are some other places that could work for me, and I'll try those as well.
I'll be sure to post my pictures, and possibly the filming, on here.

I was going to try some tricky shots, hanging upside down from somewhere, but I've pulled some muscles in my back, so maybe I'll wait until next week!

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