Wednesday, 19 October 2011

On The Third Week...

This week, we're getting used to the different programs availble to us, and I have been spending a lot of time on Pixlr, aiming to create a logo for my own film institution. From the start, I've had an image of a distorted dancer in my head (perhaps I've been watching Black Swan too much?) and so my first task was finding a picture of a ballet dancer to distort. That took me the most time, perhaps because I had such high hopes for it, but it wasn't until after I had finished my dancer that the hard stuff began. I had to think of a name...
I wanted my name to include illiteration and the letter, "D", was calling me, but I couldn't find any name to go with it, particularly because I wanted to have "films", "movies", "productions", "studios", or another similar word, in my title and I couldn't find one that began with 'D'. That was when I decided that my 'word' was going to be "movies" and I spent quite a time researching words that begin with "m", and decided on "mortal". It doesn't have quite the effect I wanted; I wanted a name that suggested distortion but couldn't find one that felt quite right, and 'Mortal Movies' sounded right in comparison to other titles floating round my head.

Here is my first draft:
I really love the bloody effect!

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